No, Roometo is not a hostel provider.
Contrary to what many people believe, Roometo does not actually own any of the hostels listed on the platform.
So what exactly do we do? Well, we are simply a listing platform. Actually the correct term is an online market place which it basically means we help link hostels providers with students who are looking for a hostel.
You are a student looking for a private hostel ? We link you up. You are a hostel looking to reach more of your targeted client? We help you do that as well. And that's it.
We try to make the platform as easy and intuitive to use as possible.
The first obvious step for most people is to search for a hostel they'd like to stay in. We have a filter function that helps you filter down your choice based on location, hostel type and maximum budget you are willing to spend
The next step is deligence. You have a look at the hostels, the ammenities provided, location and rules to see if it's a best fit for you. We also provide you with more simalar listings just to make your life easier.
The final step(s) involve either going to view the hostel to confirm everything is as it was online or simply booking directly online. Our agents help facilitate the entire process from viewing to booking to make sure your experience is as seamless as possible.
If you have browsed the sit long enough, you have probably seen the mark next to some hostels. That's the verification mark.
As Roometo, we have partnerships with various hostels and colleges. The verification mark simply means that the hostel has been approved or recommended by a university for its students. For instance, there's a list of hostels that might be recommended by Technical University for its students.
There are various factors that are considered before granting verification to a hostel. For instance: recommendation by a university, proximity to that university, prices and most importantly the quality of services provided to the students.
Some hostels, despite not being vouched for by a university or a college have exceptional service delivery and as such have been granted the mark.
Don't confuse, however, that hostels without the mark are any less. All hostels on the platform have been personally vetted and visited by our agents and thus guarantee safey and put the needs of the students before anything else.
So you are a hostel and want to appear on Roometo platform?
Currently, we do not provide autonomy to listing owners to upload their listings and their information. As such, the Roometo team has to first come to visit the listing and survey the site.
A photo session is conducted after that by Roometo photographers. This is to ensure authenticity of the data uploaded on the platform. We want to ensure that what you see is what you get.
After all this is done, our listing agents then upload all the data and send it to the hostel owner for verification before it's officially published on the platform.
If you are a listing owner interested in partnering with us or simply want us to do a sponsorship for your content, send an email to Our team will get back to you and facilitate the process.
1 sharing means that only one person is staying in the room while 2 sharing means two people are staying ("sharing") the room.
So how does that influence the pricing then? Well, the prices indicated on the platform are the individual prices and are not split in cases of 2 or 3 sharing. For example, if you see Ksh. 9,500 for 2 sharing, it means that each individual in the room pays Ksh. 9,500